They say that every artist is inspired by different things; images, smells, music, savors, songs…The only thing for sure is that there is no artist who has not been inspired by Patmos and this unique atmosphere. Its mystic vibe has formed the source of non-stop inspiration for painters, writers, photographers, musicians, and all sorts of people in the intellectual and artistic world. Because above all, this island is an artwork itself. Like a painting with the Aegean Sea in the background, illuminated by the one and only Greek light. However, our country is full of beautiful islands. What makes Patmos distinguish from the rest in the artists’ hearts is precisely this mystic atmosphere. An incomparable mystic vibe that you meet nowhere else.
The mystic atmosphere “blossoms” during Spring
Even though during summer, the island bursts with life, the ones who seek inspiration, know that this is not their season. They come to Patmos in March-April, in order to feel the unique emotion of the place. And naturally, they don’t leave when the summer is over, because they are aware of the fact that this mystic atmosphere comes at its peak during autumn. Artists honor Patmos for a long time, trying to absorb as more of the island´s magic as possible. Here, their mind can be set free, wander, explore and finally, give birth to new ideas, images, and music.
Quite a few people stay in Patmos during Winter as well, as during this period they can experience even more the overall mystic atmosphere of the island. Without sharing it with tourists who just want to spend their vacations and be gone on the next day. Besides, Patmos is ideal for wanderers, people who know what they are looking for, and travelers who are not satisfied with superficial experiences. Those who wish to enjoy the island from end to end, and be creative.
Artists embrace the mystic atmosphere more than anyone else
People who don’t just look for a place to have fun, these kinds of people find to Patmos what they are precisely looking for. Here the spirit is leveling up, is set free, and upgraded. If for this year’s vacation you don’t just look for a getaway from the hectic daily life, Jerusalem of the Aegean is the ideal place for you. Here you can have some real rest and experience a truly spiritual elevation; explore every isolated beach, every steep part that is not willing to be exposed to anyone.
Mystery with a scent of religious heritage
Patmos’ mystic atmosphere is filled with an unprecedented sense of intimacy. Those who come here, feel that they are at their home, no matter how mystic the prevailing vibes are. We talk about that so special combination which makes the island’s aura unique. That is why a large majority of the tourists keep returning to Patmos over and over again as if one visit is not enough to get the most out of the island.
A typical example, is the art gallery, Kapopoulos Fine Arts which was created at the Main Square of Patmos and inaugurated in 2015. The artistic activity of the island is also enhanced by the presence of Katerina Mourati whose exhibitions are always fascinating. The painter spends all year on the island, getting her inspiration for the composition of her artworks from the enchanting Patmos. Her workshop in Chora of the island is considered the point of reference for all intelligent people who seek inspiration.
Additionally, it’s worth mentioning the art of ceramics developed on the island. Sculptors, ceramic craftsmen, and all sorts of craftsmen carry on the island’s tradition regarding the handmade ceramic tiles, which tourists have the opportunity to observe when visiting the monasteries and archaeological sites of Patmos.
Island’s architecture is also worth mentioning, as it is strongly influenced by the Monastery Agios Ioannis Theologos which is set in a Castle. The total of houses found around the Monastery, form a labyrinthine settlement with their rooftops forming a transportation network.
Equally targeted is the arrangement of the external buildings, which were forming a sort of shield wall for the island’s protection. As you wander around Chora, you will be surrounded by mansions that were rebuilt in the 16th-17th century, in order for the lords-seigniors to stay in, as well as by urban residences built by the merchants later on. The island’s Neo-classical City Hall is one of a kind.
All the above explain why the island is known for its quality tourism. All visitors know that here they will be having quality options, in all aspects. From the marvelous local cuisine to the priceless religious heritage, Patmos is so “sophisticated” that no one can resist. And most importantly, without having to get off-budget, as on this island, quality options do not necessarily imply that they are also overrated.